Used Ford Sheffield, South Yorkshire

Representative Example [ HP ]
An OTR Cash Price of £12,169.00 with a deposit of £0.00 leaving an amount of credit of £12,169.00. The agreement is resulting a Representative 11.92% APR and a total amount payable of £15,187.12. Payments are based on a duration of agreement of 48 months, with a first monthly payment of £ 316.19, regular monthly payment of £316.19 and a final monthly payment of £326.19.
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The data displayed above details the usual specification of the most recent model of this vehicle. It is not the exact data for the actual vehicle being offered for sale and data for older models may vary slightly. We recommend you check the vehicle details with the seller before you buy.

Ford in Sheffield, South Yorkshire

Ford. It’s where it all started with the Model-T, the first mass produced car that everyone could own, and it’s gone so far in the past 100 years and been at the forefront of car technology and performance for a good proportion of that. You may have grown up with the iconic Ford Escort, or even started driving with the Ford Fiesta, but there’s every chance you’ve owned a Ford at some point in your life. As our needs mature, we end up driving the Sierra which eventually became the Mondeo, a car renowned for it’s incredible road handling and economy. They had some classic styles, too. The Puma and Cougar ripped up the design book to bring us cars that looked like they were ready to leap out at you, and the Focus ST is a car that required skill to handle and iron nerve to drive with speed. And for the more rugged uses, there’s the Ford F-series of pick-ups, the biggest selling cars of all time in the USA with over 30 million sold. Discover Ford today. Call 0114 3274020 for your next used Ford or come and visit us at our showroom - Vettura Motors Ltd in Sheffield, South Yorkshire